SOLVED NID PG Sample papers Test series( All stream):
*** Highly Recommended for Real Mockups and Self Assesment and Evaluation Before appearing in NID (PG)- Design Aptitude Test - DAT
** Included Free 05 Days Online Live Interactive classes for NID PG ( Design Aptitude Test - DAT )
MODULE-01 ( Design Aptitude Test - DAT ) Mocktest Papers
1) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -01 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
2) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -02 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
3) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -03 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
4) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -04 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
5) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -05 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
6) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -06 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
7) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -07 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
8) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -08 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
9) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -09 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
10) Design Aptitude Test - DAT Mocktest Paper -10 Including ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test )
MODULE-02 Online Live classes Through Audio-Vedio Conferancing
** Free 05 days Online Live classes FOR ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test ) through Audio-Video Conferencing so That Students who are unable to attend Physical classes can attend Online Live classes from Their Home for Last Round Revision. ITS TIME SAVING AND COST SAVING OPTION FOR OURSIDE STUDENTS
Also Includes: Live recordings of classes in to student account for revision of topics
1.Phone Counseling /Guidance by Counsellors for ( For NID PG - Design Aptitude Test ), admission, career, placements etc. (FREE)
2. The Paper based sketch tasks are to be sent at icr.eval@gmail.com for feedback and evaluation support.
*** Classroom Activation will start after furnishing NID PG - Design Aptitude Test Application / Hall ticket copy at info@architectureaptitude.com