GATE 02 Year ARCHITECTURE ONLINE Classroom:By ICR Education services, call 09302127874
1. 2hr classes Regular / Weekend class options available (new batches starting 1st/10th/20th day of every month)
2. Live Interactive E- smart classes
3. Full course covered
4. Regular Mock tests with All India Rank
5. E- support
6. Counselling support
1. It makes you better equipped with right techniques to increase your chance to crack exam.
2. Topic wise teaching to prepare thoroughly.
3. Gives momentum to preparation as competition is with similar students and gives clear understanding of where you stand.
4. Important parts of the topic are covered in short time for focussed preparation.
5. Course Highlights on Most important segments and makes you familiar with Gate Pattern
6. Learning during class is in Live Mode - and thereafter You can view the same as its recorded and saved in your account - so revision is endlessly possible till Exam
7. Enrol today and study till Exam
1. 20 Booklets Modules of Study Material – E Books ( Step BY Step Tutorials )
2. GATE GuruMantra Module - Booklet
3. 10 Online Mocktests with User ID and passwords
4. 05 Year GATE Architecture Papers Only
7. GATE (AR ) Question Bank with answers
Course Features :
- 20 Booklets of Study Material – Books: Study Material covers Entire Syllabus of the GATE. It Consists Theories, tabulated datas, tips and techniues, images, problems, Question Bank , Previous year GATE questions and Answers.
- GATE GuruMantra Module- Book : It is very difficult to revise the whole Architecture syllabus is a short span of time, especially during last day of preparation. This book is collection of important points and formulas related to GATE Syllabus.
- 10 Online Mocktests – Online : Candidates will provides User ID and password for Attempting and Accesing the Test from Their Home. after completion of test candidate can view the results and answers. its good for Online practise sessions.
- GATE Architecture Question Bank of 1500 questions with Answer Key
Syllabus for Architecture (Ar)
Section 1: Architecture and Design
Visual composition in 2D and 3D; Principles of Art and Architecture; Organization of space; Architectural Graphics; Computer Graphics– concepts of CAD, BIM, 3D modeling and Architectural rendition; Programming languages and automation.Anthropometrics; Planning and design considerations for different building types;Site planning; Circulation- horizontal and vertical; Barrier free design; Space
Standards; Building Codes; National Building Code.
Elements, construction, architectural styles and examples of different periods of Indian and Western History of Architecture; Oriental, Vernacular and Traditional architecture; Architectural developments since Industrial Revolution; Influence of modern art on architecture; Art nouveau, Eclecticism, International styles, Post Modernism, Deconstruction in architecture; Recent trends in Contemporary Architecture; Works of renowned national and international architects.
Section 2: Building Materials, Construction and Management Behavioral characteristics and applications of different building materials viz. mud, timber, bamboo, brick, concrete, steel, glass, FRP, AAC, different polymers, composites.
Building construction techniques, methods and details; Building systems and prefabrication of building elements; Principles of Modular Coordination; Estimation, specification, valuation, professional practice; Construction planning and equipments; Project management techniques e.g. PERT, CPM etc.
Section 3: Building and Structures Principles of strength of materials; Design of structural elements in wood, steel and RCC; Elastic and Limit State design; Structural systems in RCC and Steel; Form and
Structure; Principles of Pre-stressing; High Rise and Long Span structures, gravity and lateral load resisting systems; Principles and design of disaster resistant structures.
Section 4: Environmental Planning and Design Ecosystem- natural and man-made ecosystem; Ecological principles; Concepts of Environmental Impact Analysis; Environmental considerations in planning and design; Thermal comfort, ventilation and air movement; Principles of lighting and illumination; Climate responsive design; Solar architecture; Principles of architectural acoustics; Green Building- Concepts and Rating; ECBC; Building Performance Simulation and Evaluation; Environmental pollution- types, causes, controls and abatement strategies.
Section 5: Urban Design Concepts and theories of urban design; Public Perception; Townscape; Public Realm; Urban design interventions for sustainable development and transportation; Historical and modern examples of urban design; Public spaces, character, spatial qualities and Sense of Place; Elements of urban built environment – urban form, spaces, structure, pattern, fabric, texture, grain etc; Principles, tools and techniques of urban design; Urban renewal and conservation; Site planning; Landscape design; Development controls – FAR, densities and building byelaws.
Section 6: Urban Planning and Housing Planning process; Types of plans - Master Plan, City Development Plan, Structure Plan, Zonal Plan, Action Area Plan, Town Planning Scheme, Regional Plan; Salient
concepts, theories and principles of urban planning; Sustainable urban development; Emerging concepts of cities - Eco-City, Smart City, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), SEZ, SRZ etc.
Housing; Concepts, principles and examples of neighbourhood; Housing typologies; Slums; Affordable Housing; Housing for special areas and needs; Residential densities; Standards for housing and community facilities; National Housing Policies,Programs and Schemes.
Section 7: Planning Techniques and Management Tools and techniques of Surveys – Physical, Topographical, Landuse and Socioeconomic Surveys; Methods of non-spatial and spatial data analysis; Graphic presentation of spatial data; Application of G.I.S and Remote Sensing techniques in urban and regional planning; Decision support system and Land Information System.
Urban Economics; Law of demand and supply of land and its use in planning; Social, Economical and environmental cost benefit analysis; Techniques of financial appraisal; Management of Infrastructure Projects; Development guidelines such as URDPFI; Planning Legislation and implementation – Land Acquisition Act, PPP etc.;Local self-governance.
Section 8: Services, Infrastructure and Transportation Building Services: Water supply; Sewerage and drainage systems; Sanitary fittings and fixtures; Plumbing systems; Principles of internal and external drainage system; Principles of electrification of buildings; Intelligent Buildings; Elevators and Escalators - standards and uses; Air-Conditioning systems; Firefighting Systems; Building Safety and Security systems.
Urban Infrastructure – Transportation, Water Supply, Sewerage, Drainage, Solid Waste Management, Electricity and Communications.
Process and Principles of Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering; Road capacity; Traffic survey methods; Traffic flow characteristics; Traffic analyses and design considerations; Travel demand forecasting; Land-use – transportation - urban form inter-relationships; Design of roads, intersections, grade separators and parking areas; Hierarchy of roads and level of service; Traffic and transport management and control in urban areas,; Mass transportation planning; Paratransits and other modes of transportation, Pedestrian and slow moving traffic planning; Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Principles of water supply and sanitation systems; water treatment; Water supply and distribution system; Water harvesting systems; Principles, Planning and Design of storm water drainage system; Sewage disposal methods; Methods of solid waste management - collection, transportation and disposal; Recycling and Reuse of solid waste; Power Supply and Communication Systems, network, design and
Syllabus for General Aptitude (GA)
Verbal Ability: English grammar, sentence completion, verbal analogies, word groups, instructions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction.
Numerical Ability: Numerical computation, numerical estimation, numerical reasoning and data interpretation.
** Candidates should furnish their exam application form copy and Admit card copy (Later) with clear photograph of candidate for complete registration of classroom.
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