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NATA Exam Preparation - 30 Days Online Live Classes with Study Material and Sample Papers by ICR Education services , call 09302127874 or 09016166956 Are you preparing for the NATA (National Aptitude...
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NATA Exam Preparation - 15 Days Online Live Classes Only by ICR Education services, call 09302127874, 09016166956 Are you a student preparing for the NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) or...
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NATA Exam Preparation - 10 Days Online Live classes with Study material and sample papers
NATA Exam Preparation - 10 Days Online Live classes with Study material and sample papers: Call 09302127874 Full course covered in 10 days. Study material + 2 mock tests + Test Bank Included Full...
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Combo NATA / JEE (B.ARCH) Exam Preparation 15 Days Online live classes + 15 Days Study material: CALL 09302127874 New Online classes Batches are starting from: 1/3/5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19/21/23/25/27 th...
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COMBO-NATA and JEE B.Arch. Exam Preparation -30 Days Online Live Classes + Instant Download Study Material
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JEE B.ARCH. ONLINE COACHING:By ICR Education Services, Call 09302127874

Question-1: What is JEE B.Arch. Online Live Classes for JEE B.Arch.(Mains) 2024 /2025/2026 Architecture and planning Exam ?

Question-2: Do I need to buy any hardware to attend Your Online Live JEE B.Arch. Architecture classes?

Question-3: When the Batches are starting ? I Have short of time ?

Question-4: How do I learn JEE B.Arch. Sketching in Online Classes?

Question-5: When i should Enroll Myself for Your Online Live classes with study material for JEE B.Arch. Mains Exam?

Question-6: What is the shortest & longest Preparation Classroom Programme ?

Question-7: Do You have Long Term Online Live classes option also since i am targeting JEE B.Arch.(Mains) Exam in 2024 /2025/2026 ?

Question-8: Whats the Timing for JEE B.Arch. Online Live classes ?

Question-9: What All syllabus content You are covering in Online Live classes and in Physical classes for JEE B.Arch. Mains(AAT) Preparation ?

Question-10: Does Your Online Live classes is just a presentation of slides or Preparation through E-Mail or evaluation through E-Mail or a Pre-Recorded Video Lectures or its Completly Live?

Question-11: Does Your Online Live classes includes JEE B.Arch. study material also ?

Question-12: Whats the fees and duration of online Classroom session for JEE B.Arch. Mains Exam Preparation ?

Question-13: Whats the best time to Register for Online classes if i am giving my JEE B.Arch.(Mains)test in Year 2024 /2025/2026  ?

Question-14: DO You have JEE B.Arch. Physical Classroom also ? if yes than where is center location ?

Question-15: Is there any Batch limit for candidates for JEE B.Arch. Mains exam Preparation Physical classroom session ?

Question-16: What happens if you have not reached your Minimum batch Limit for Each zone ?

Question-17: Who Teach / Train my Wards for JEE B.Arch.(Mains) 2024 /2025/2026 Exam ?

Question-18: If i register now than when i will receive JEE B.Arch. (AAT) Study material ?

Question-19: What if i missed a JEE B.Arch. Online classes ?

Question-20: Does This Online classes is Beneficial to crack JEE B.Arch.(Mains) Exam ?

Question-21: What Payment Option is available for Enrollment of Online Live classes / study material for JEE B.Arch. Preparation ?

Question-22: If Still have a Query, what should i do ?

Question-1: What is JEE B.Arch. Online Live Classes for JEE B.Arch.(Mains) 2024 / 2025/ 2026 Exam
Answer: Good Questions, currently as per our research some institute saying that they are also offering Online classroom but that are not ONLINE CLASSROOM Why becasue Eighter They are saying Online mocktests as a online classroom or they are teaching you through skype( Audio-vedio chating software with desktop sharing OR They are Giving You Just the Pre-Recorded Vedio Lectures. Learning To sketch By receiving feedbacks on Evaluated sheets Through Email is Not at All a Online classroom teaching or Learning Through Pre-Recorded Video Lecture is also Not a Online Classes. This is simply electronic technical support offered by various organization these days. in Our Live Interactive classroom session means The following benefits are being provided to the students:
1) The student can Sketch in The Live Online class, can talk and interact with the faculty and Other students in Real Mode, ask their doubt and express their creativity  by sketching directly on the E-Whiteboard Instantly.
 2) it is completely a 02-way teachers and students interactive class, where Both can talk to each other and sketch and learn the same way as in the physical classroom.

Question-2:Do I need to buy any hardware to attend Your Online Live JEE B.Arch. Architecture classes?
Answer: No, Nothing to Buy any special Hardware from student side if student have a Computer + Internet connection + a Headphone than he /she can attend our Online Live classes from Their Home.

Question-3: When the JEE B.Arch. 2024/ 2025/ 2026 AAT Exam Batches are starting ? I Have short of time ?
Answer: New  Batch are starting from  every month of 01st/10th/15th/25th date - 02 hours Each Days. Student can enroll Their self as per their choice of date. If any student opted Online classes with study material option than their study material will dispatch within 24 hours to their correspondence address and He/She can attend the class from announced date.all new batches are starting for 10 days online class, 01 month class, 02 month class, 06 month class and 01 Year and 02 Year JEE B.Arch. Online classroom Programs.

Question-4: How do I learn JEE B.Arch. Sketching in Online JEE B.Arch. Classes?
Answer: in Our JEE B.Arch. Online coaching, Student will learn sketching and theme based drawings, Visualization skills using our E-Board Tools Through Audio-Video Conferencing.

Question-5: When i should Enroll Myself for Your JEE B.Arch. Online Live classes with JEE B.Arch. study material ?
Answer: You should Enroll Yourself as soon as possible so that we can dispatch your study material immediately.

Question-6: What is the shortest & longest Preparation Classroom Programme for JEE B.Arch. Exam Preparation ?
Answer:     Shortest Classroom programme is = 10 days Classes/ 15 /30 Days classes
                  Longest Classroom Preparation programme is = 03 month/06 month/01 year/02 year/03 year
Contact at: ICR Education Services ( Ahmedabad )





Ahmedabad Helpline Numbers: 09302127874 or 09016166956


Question-7: Do You have Long Term Online Live classes option also since i am targeting NATA/JEE B.Arch.(Mains)/CEPT Exam 2024/2025/2026 Exam Attempt?

Answer: Yes we have 03 month/06 month/01 year/02 year/03 year Online Classes Programme also and Student can enrol theirself for their NATA/JEE b.arch./CEPT/MHCET/MASA 2024/ 2025/ 2026 preparation.
Question-8:Whats the Timing for Online Live classes ?
Answer:     Morning session = Call 09302127874 to Plan and Get flexible timing
                  Evening session = Call 09302127874 to Plan and Get flexible timing
**Student can choose any one session as per their comfort.

Question-9: What All syllabus content You are covering in JEE B.Arch. Online Live classes and in Physical classes ?
Answer: We are covering entire syllabus of NATA/JEE B.Arch./CEPT/MHCET 2024/ 2025/ 2026 Architecture test, please see the syllabus content of classes below:
Class Features & contents:
Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil,
Architectural Awareness,
architectural terminology,
Identifying commonly used materials and objects based on their textural qualities and colour.
Historical and contemporary buildings of Architectural importance,
Architects and their Works,
Awareness of persons, places, buildings etc. of Architectural importance,
Aesthetic, Sensitivity and Drawing Skills,
Analytical reasoning Mental ability,
Elements of Design: Lines, Form, Mass, Solid etc,
Generation of plan, elevations and 3D views of objects.
Creating two dimensional and three dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms,
Development of 3 Dimensional objects from two-dimensional shapes Or vice versa,
Visualizing different sides of Three Dimensional objects,
theory of colors,
Principle of Design, Harmony, Balance, etc.
Scale and proportion,
Freehand sketching of objects and Activities commonly seen in the rural or urban/suburban context such as Furniture, Machine, landscape, Buildings, kitchens, Playground, Markets, Railway Platform, Bus Stop, Exhibitions etc, Enlargement & Reduction of Drawings, Mirror image etc.

Question-10: Does Your JEE B.Arch. Online Live classes is just a Screen sharing or  presentation of slides or Preparation through E-Mail or evaluation through E-Mail or Pre-Recorded Video Lectures ?
Answer: No, Its not a presentation of slides or E-Mail teaching. Our Online classes  is a Live interactive or 1 to 1 teaching through AUDIO-VIDEO LIVE Conferencing technology and for attending our class student or parent does’t require any special Hardware or software. If student have a computer + internet connection + a headphone than he /she can attend our online class from His/Her Home.
It  mean you will learn, draw, sketch online live on Electronic whiteboard

Question-11: Does Your JEE B.Arch. Mains Online Live classes includes study material also ?
Answer: yes we have Both provisions , means if student want to register Only for classes than he /she can register for that also or similarly if he /she want to register for online classes with study material than they can enrol for that options also.

Question-12 : Whats the fees and duration of online Classroom session ?
Answer: Click on "JEE B.Arch.> Online Live classes" button to view the Online classes and Fees or Call 09302127874 or 09016166956

Question-13: Whats the best time to Register for Online classes if i am giving my JEE B.Arch.(Mains) exam in Year 2024/2025/2026 ?
Answer: Ideally You should try to Register for JEE B.Arch.(Mains) Postal course or Online classes or Physical Classes as soon as possible because in This case study material will dispatch within 24 Hours so it will be with you early. And You can start Your preparation Faster.

Question-14: DO You have Physical Classroom also ? if yes than where is center location ?
Answer; Enrollment are also open for Physical classroom session for AHEMDABAD, SURAT, JAIPUR, VADODARA, BHOPAL, DELHI, HYDRABAD, CHENNAI, BANGALORE, PUNE, MUMBAI  and candidate can get register ANYTIME. 

Question-15: Is there any Batch limit for candidate for JEE B.Arch. Physical classroom session  ?
Answer: Yes, we have announced physical classes and the Minimum batch size for each city is 25 and Maximum is 50 students for each zones(City)

Question-16: What happens if you have not reached your Minimum batch Limit for Each zone ?
Answer: If Minimum  Batch for Physical classroom session is not fulfilled for particular city that You can request for Refund or Simply You can Immediately  transfer to Our Well Known Online Live classroom session. In case of Refund we will issue a Refund Through Cheque within 15 days after deducting the study material fee and the same will sent to your Registered correspondence address by EMS Speed post.

Question-17: Who Teach / Train my Wards for JEE-B.Arch. Exam ?
Answer: We have well experienced Architects faculties team for JEE B.Arch. Exam and we are specialized in Architecture / Design entrance preparation so your child will be Taught by Experienced Architect Faculties not by any ART OR DESIGN OR DRAWING TEACHER.

Question-18: If i register now than when i will receive Study material ?
Answer: Your study material will dispatch within 24 hours by EMS Speed post or by COURIER

Questions-19: What if i missed a JEE B.Arch. Online classes ?
Answer: Currently we are providing Live recording of each class at Student computer so that if he /she missed a class than he /she can see the Live recorded session of That Day.

Question-20: Does This Online classes is Beneficial to crack JEE B.Arch.(Mains) AAT Exam ?
Answer: Yes ofc. Its more than beneficial to ANY NATA/JEE B.Arch.(Mains)/CEPT aspirant. Online Live classes means None is forcing you to come and Join classes at Your Center for your preparation, You can Join classes from Your Home also and Learn with Our Renowned Faculty for B.Arch. Entrance exam Preparation.

Question-21: What Payment Option is available for Enrollment of JEE B.Arch. Online Live classes / study material ?
Answer: Student /Parents can Register Through CREDIT CARD / DEBIT CARD /NET BANKING /DEMAND DRAFT /CASH FEE PAYMENT as per their comfort. or Call at 09302127874 or 09016166956

Question-22: If Still have a Query, what should i do ?
Answer: Simply Call at our Helpline numbers  +91-09302127874 ,   09016166956 and our counsellors team will help you.
or contact at:





24X7 Helpline Numbers: 09302127874 OR 09016166956

ICR Education services provides JEE B.Arch. Coaching / NATA Coaching and Study material for Architecture Exam. Call 09302127874 or 09016166956 for JEE B.Arch. 2024/ 2025/2026 Coaching in Ahmedabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and Surat.






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