Download NIFT 2019- M.F.Design Study material + 15 Days Online Live classes + 03 Online Mocktests + Portfolio Guidance
** 15 Days Online Live classes crash course (CAT ) + Portfolio Guidance
Course Contents ( CAT + GAT ):
WORKBOOK 1-DRAWING FUNDAMENTALS ( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
With intense practice to improve Drawing skills
WORKBOOK 2 - CONCEPT & DESIGN PERCEPTION( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
Brainstorming exercises in student-friendly interactive modules to intoduce the correct design therapy
WORKBOOK 3 - COLOURS & COLOURS( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
It aims at color composition enhancement and tackling colours faster.
It includes ready to work task sheets to be guided via feedback
05 Test Papers
WORKBOOK 5 - NIFT Solved question bank and test series.
WORKBOOK 6 - 300 Mock Test questions ( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
100 mock test questions designed by NIFTians, according to last years papers.
These questions have been designed keeping the changing pattern of exams in mind and type of questions that can be asked.
WORKBOOK 7 - MEMORY DRAWING( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
To improve the theme based drawing, with worksheets.
WORKBOOK 8 - ADVANCE SKETCHING ( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
How to complete the paper within time limit.Last and very important – guidelines for improving your speed. Most of the students face problem-completing all questions in 3 hours time limit. This module will help you by giving tips on improving your speed and completing the paper with in time limit.
GAT-General Ability Test (Correspondence course)
WORKBOOK 10 - GAT-Book on Quantitative ability
WORKBOOK 11 - GAT-Book on English comprehension
( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
WORKBOOK 12 - GAT-Book on Analytical ability. ( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
WORKBOOK 13 - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & CURRENT AFFAIRS( Basics to Advance detailing and More explanations )
Mockups on : sketch, perspective, colour theory, colour composition, human action, exploded diagrams, inspiration, line sketching, logo, poster design, creative design etc.(FREE)
Phone Counseling /Guidance personally by Counsellors (FREE)
NOTE:Online classes and Mocktests will be provided after furnishing the NIFT Hall ticket copy at info@architectureaptitude.com