06 Printed Workbooks + 02 Online Mocktests + 10 Mocktest papers
Highly recommended for More preparation in Less time. Ideally suitable with Maximum 30 to 45 days preparation Time with Well designed step by step tutorials/sample papers/Mocktest papers and Online Mocktests.
Module-01-NIFT Question bank (Activated Online)
NIFT 2018 (B.F.Tech) - Test Series - 10 Mocktest Papers with answers
*** Highly Recommended for Real Mockups and Self Assesment and Evaluation Before appearing in NIFT 2019 B.Tech Entrance
WorkBook-01:Mocktest Paper-01 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2019 Exam)
WorkBook-02:Mocktest Paper 02 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2019 Exam)
WorkBook-03:Mocktest Paper-03 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2019 Exam)
WorkBook-04:Mocktest Paper-04 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2019 Exam)
WorkBook-05:Mocktest Paper-04 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2019 Exam)
WorkBook-06:Mocktest Paper-04 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2019 Exam)
WorkBook-07:Mocktest Paper-04 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2018 Exam)
WorkBook-08:Mocktest Paper-04 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2018 Exam)
WorkBook-09:Mocktest Paper-04 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2019 Exam)
WorkBook-10:Mocktest Paper-04 Including (GAT + MAT Part- NIFT B.Design 2019 Exam)
Module-02-150 Mock Test questions
150 mock test questions designed by NIFTians, according to last years papers.
These questions have been designed keeping the changing pattern of exams in mind and type of questions that can be asked.
GAT-General Ability Test (Correspondence course)
Module-03 - GAT-General Ability Module includes:
a)Analytical ability
b)Quantitaive ability
Module-04 - GAT-General Ability Module includes:
c)Communicative ability
d)English Comprehension
Module-05 - Book on General Knowledge (detailed more than foundation course)
Module-06 - Book on current affairs (detailed more than foundation course)
Success mantra: Activated Online
*How to complete the paper within time limit.
This module will provides steps and guidelines for improving your speed in entrance exam. Most of the students says questions are easy but face problem-completing all questions in 3 hours time limit. This module will help you by giving tips on improving your speed and completing the paper with in time limit.
Expertise support:
1. Full e-technical support, i.e. students can ask their queries via mail at icreval.eval@gmail.com
The Online Modules will be activated, after recieval of Admit card copy of NIFT 2019 at ICRES Office.
(NIFT 2019-20 MFMgt (ug) test series,NIFT 2019-20 MFMgt (ug) test series,,NIFT 2019-20 MFMgt (ug) study material,NIFT 2019-20 MFMgt (ug) preparation material,NIFT 2019-20 MFMgt (ug) test papers,NIFT 2019-20 MFMgt (ug) sample papers,NIFT 2019-20 MFMgt (ug) online classes,NIFT 2019-20 MFMgt (ug) tutorials)